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Juror Removed For Lock Him Up Comment



Juror Removed for "Lock Him Up" Comment

Court Upholds Ban on Trump Supporters

Video Circulating Online Prompts Action

A juror in the upcoming trial of former President Donald Trump has been removed after she was caught on video using the words "lock him up," which are closely associated with Trump's supporters.

The video, which has been viewed more than 1 million times online, shows the juror shouting the words at a Trump rally. The judge in the case ruled that the juror's comments showed that she could not be impartial and ordered her removal from the jury.

This is not the first time that a juror has been removed from a Trump-related trial for making public comments about the case. In 2018, a juror in the trial of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort was removed for posting comments on social media that were critical of the special counsel's investigation.

The removal of jurors for public comments raises concerns about the ability to seat impartial juries in high-profile cases. Some legal experts argue that the widespread media coverage of these cases makes it difficult to find jurors who have not already formed opinions about the defendants.

Poll Shows Skepticism of Trump's Claims

A new poll by Ipsos shows that most Americans are skeptical of Trump's claims of innocence in the face of the growing evidence against him.

The poll found that 63% of Americans believe that Trump is guilty of at least one of the crimes he has been accused of, while only 37% believe that he is innocent.

The poll also found that a majority of Americans (58%) believe that Trump should be prosecuted if there is evidence that he committed a crime.


The removal of a juror for using the words "lock him up" and the poll showing that most Americans are skeptical of Trump's claims of innocence are both signs of the growing legal and political challenges facing the former president.

As the investigations into Trump's conduct continue, it is likely that more evidence will emerge that will further erode public confidence in his innocence and increase the likelihood that he will be held accountable for his actions.
