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Rio Grande

Río Grande: A River with Multiple Identities

Location and Names

The Río Bravo in Mexico, also known as the Río Grande in the United States, is a major river that flows through the southern United States and northern Mexico. Its waters trace a path towards the south and southeast.

Llano Costero del Norte

In Puerto Rico, Río Grande is located in the Llano Costanero del Norte region. This area is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and the municipality of Loíza to the north.

Tierra del Fuego

In Argentina, Río Grande is a city and municipality in the province of Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur. Known as the "Ciudad del Yunque," it is situated in a mountainous region that forms part of the Bosque Nacional del Caribe.

Historical Significance

Founded in 1840, the municipality of Río Grande in Puerto Rico has earned the nickname "Ciudad del Yunque." This moniker is a nod to the prominent mountainous area known as El Yunque, which is located within the Bosque Nacional del Caribe.
